Agriculture: tomorrow 13 June Minister Centinaio in Matera with Agrinsieme for Action Tank on infrastructure and midday

Tomorrow 13 June 2019 the Minister of Agricultural, Food, Forestry and Tourism Policies, Sen. Gian Marco Centinaio, will be in Matera to take part in the “Grow! - Infrastructure: the agricultural routes in the South ”, a focus on the infrastructures of the South with particular reference to connections, transport, digitalization and the water system.

The meeting is organized by the coordination of Agrinsieme, which brings together the Italian Cia-Agricoltori, Confagricoltura, Copagri and the Alliance of Agri-food Cooperatives and will take place from 9:30 at Palazzo Viceconte in the Lucanian capital. The discussion table, which will be attended by the Minister, will focus on a reflection on the importance of the tangible and intangible infrastructures of the South for the competitiveness of Italian agriculture in the EU and global context.

Agriculture: tomorrow 13 June Minister Centinaio in Matera with Agrinsieme for Action Tank on infrastructure and midday

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