The tests for the ordinary competitions for schools of all levels are now underway

Valditara: “Significant step to reduce precarious employment and promote educational continuity”

The written tests of the ordinary competitions for the hiring of teachers on a common position and on a support position in nursery school, primary school and first and second level secondary school will be held starting from Monday 11 March. There are approximately 373.000 candidates (69.117 for nursery and primary schools, 303.687 for secondary schools) who submitted the application for enrollment between 11 December 2023 and 9 January 2024. There are 15.340 places available for the nursery and primary school and 29.314 for secondary school.

“The competitions and future hirings”, declared the Minister of Education and Merit Giuseppe Valditara, “mark a step forward in the valorisation of teachers and in the fight against precarious employment. This is a significant and necessary step aimed at guaranteeing quality education to students throughout the national territory, promoting educational continuity".

The test is structured according to a new method, which includes 50 multiple choice questions of non-disciplinary content. Specifically, each aspirant will have to answer 10 questions of pedagogical content, 15 of psycho-pedagogical content (including aspects relating to inclusion), 15 of methodological-didactic content (including aspects relating to evaluation), 5 on knowledge of the English language and 5 on the educational use of digital technologies. The specifically disciplinary aspects will be addressed in the oral test, to which candidates who have obtained a score of at least 70/100 in the written test will have access.

The tests will be held in the region for which the candidate has applied to participate and, based on the number of candidates, they may take place in several morning and afternoon sessions. Tests relating to nursery school and primary school are scheduled for 11 and 12 March; Secondary school tests will begin on March 13th, which will continue for 5 days, excluding Saturdays and Sundays, until March 19th.

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The tests for the ordinary competitions for schools of all levels are now underway