Popular Alternative will go on its own, no alliance, goal programs and 3%

In Alternativapopolare the line of Maurizio Lupi wins: alone in the next elections, without the ballast of the Democratic Party, focusing on programs. To give the measure of the weight that the former minister now has in the party, after the negative results of the Sicilian elections, is the political closure entrusted to him just today at the end of the programmatic conference of AP, at the Marriott hotel in Rome. "Being together" is the motto of Lupi, and this also concerns Angelino Alfano and Beatrice Lorenzin, among the closest to the alliance with Matteo Renzi, but with another political perspective. The strategy is that the so-called 'northerners', including Roberto Formigoni, claim as a mantra for months, even before the race to Palazzo d'Orleans: a rapprochement with the moderate center and free, towards that hemisphere that is call Ppe. The new era of Ap looks at Forza Italia, with the project of opening a passage to Arcore, after having shaken off the alliance with the center-left of Matteo Renzi. A sort of return to the origins, which must regain the strength lost on the territory, rediscovering its own identity. Do not think, however, that the goal is the 'fourth leg' or 'fourth petal' because, Lupi warns, "the petals die, we must build a trunk that lives, resists and works for the country". to fight a moment of crisis, with today's meeting that could turn into a trial against Alfano. Many are, in fact, have the suitcase ready to leave the party, some will put the blue jersey back, at the end of the term, like Giuseppe Torrisi and Pippo Pagano, others have stopped at the door, it is told, precisely because “Lupi took over the movement "and await what program and which ideas it intends to follow. The D-day is set for November 24, when the National Directorate will be held, and when a project to be put to the vote will be illustrated. "That will be the seat - explain some centrists - to really know where the party wants to go". Here then is the choice to entrust the future of Ap to a sort of guarantor, Lupi, who will have to reinvigorate the essence of the party, starting from a rebirth from the foundations of the center-right. The line to follow for the national coordinator is very clear: "We are ready to go alone, with our own symbol" because "following the alliances I think it is stupid". The Alfano line, however, is not so clear. The holder of the foreign ministry leaves a door open: "We are ready for a confrontation with other political forces on the program, starting from our ideas, and we are also ready to go it alone". The foreign minister wants his hands free: the rapprochement with Forza Italia does not convince him, especially due to the combination that Berlusconi has now made with Matteo Salvini.

The thought of Angelino Alfano

Follow a political path that starts "from ourselves" from the good things done for Italy in 5 years of government. It can be done, even alone, open to confrontation with all political forces, except those "of a certain right". Angelino Alfano talks to almost 2000 delegates, after the disappointment of the elections in Sicily, and he plays the position: "If we are no longer Ncd but popular alternative it is because we have understood that with a certain right we cannot stand. The ideals we have clear and we have never betrayed them ". "We want to be a Europeanist movement, we have not joined the Democratic Party, or we have moved to the left - he added - but we have clear that we do not want to leave the euro and with these we cannot stand" referring to Matteo Salvini. The foreign minister therefore defends his creature from those who gave it up for dead from birth and promises: "We are here in November of the 2017 and we are ready to be there also in November of the 2022". A popular alternative, therefore, it is ready to restart from the threshold of the 3 per cent widely exceeded in Sicily and which can bring it back to Parliament at the next political elections. A shared program and an active presence in the territory. This is the recipe for reinvigorating AP. "We want to return to so many in Parliament, but we also want to return to the government in this country because we do not want the vaccine law, the labor reform, to be destroyed", says Beatrice Lorenzin. "If we are united - reiterates the minister - we do not take the 3%, we take much more. Let's start with who we are and what we want to do. What interests us most is not a member of parliament, but more influence ”. In short, the route is already planned and will lead the party to the 2018 elections. It is for this reason that Maurizio Lupi announces during the program conference the convocation for November of 24 of the national direction during which, he says: "We will decide the way to go". The container towards which to tend however remains the universe of the EPP, says Lupi because "one wins only with the center, one wins only with the moderates". But be careful to believe that this new era of Ap wants to aim to be part of that 'fourth leg' of the center-right that is gearing up these days: "The petals die - Lupi warns - what they want to build is a trunk". In short, the identity of AP must be preserved, as an autonomous, strong and decisive force. Here then that the former minister returns to focus on very topical issues: "Let it be clear, we will not vote on the budget law if the baby bonus is not reintroduced. We are happy that the Democratic Party is also following this path ". And on the law that regulates citizenship cancels any doubt: "The PD if you forget we will not vote confidence" on the Ius Soli. "We haven't changed our mind about it. We must make a good law, this is not so we do not vote for it, "he concludes.




Popular Alternative will go on its own, no alliance, goal programs and 3%

| ITALY, PRP Channel |