Environment, Assorimap: "Government establishes obligation of at least 50% recycled material in single-use plastic"

The national transposition of the European directive on disposable plastics must be an opportunity to promote the mechanical recycling of plastic. Assorimap - Association of Recyclers and Regenerators of Plastic Materials -, which in the circular economy represents the final link in the plastics supply chain, however it highlights the need, both for bioplastics and for traditional plastics, to be correctly collected and sent for recovery at special plants. In the first case at the composting plants, in the second at the mechanical recycling plants.

"Our mechanical recycling companies guarantee plastics a real second life, thanks to the recovery of material, which the European directives on waste as well as the Consolidated Environmental Law clearly indicate to us as a priority over other forms of recovery - underlines the President of ASSORIMAP Walter Regis - for this reason we have proposed to the MiTE - as an amendment to the national transposition scheme of the SUP Directive - to provide, when the use of reusable alternatives to single-use plastic products is not possible, that these products contain a minimum mandatory percentage of recycled plastics traced post-consumer equal to 50%, in order to encourage a truly circular use of plastics, which we know to be the main objective of the Directive".

Environment, Assorimap: "Government establishes obligation of at least 50% recycled material in single-use plastic"