AUGE, an example of responsibility towards cancer research in Italy

The IEO – CCM Foundation assigns a leaf in the donation tree to Francesco Iannello and Monica who appear with their AUGE among large companies

These are hard times for scientific research on the fight against cancer in Italy. 2022 ended with the news of the failure to finance the National Oncology Plan which would have provided for the allocation of 10 million euros for 2023 and 2024. A good 20 million euros which over 2 years would have been allocated to studies for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and assistance to cancer patients. In the 2022 budget law, all traces of those amendments announced by the government and proposed by the Ministry of Health on the issue of the tumor emergency seem to have disappeared.

If, therefore, it cannot rely on public funds, scientific research in Italy can at least count on private funds. There are numerous national and international companies that make substantial donations every year in favor of the battle against serious diseases. Among them emerges AUGE International Consulting to which, these days, the IEO-CCM Foundation has dedicated one of the leaves within its Donor Tree, i.e. the tree in which all the companies, entrepreneurs and individuals who support the foundation appear.

The name of the innovative digital enterprise (, leader in the E-Learning sector, founded in Dubai by people from Brianza Monica Perna e Francis Iannello, thus appeared alongside that of well-known banking institutions, pharmaceutical companies, fashion companies and personalities from the world of entertainment. Among the leaves of the Donor Tree of the IEO – CCM Foundation, those of the Deutsche Bank Italia Foundation, Banca Popolare di Milano, Morgan Stanley, as well as pharmaceutical companies such as Novartis Farma, Astrazeneca or Pfizer stand out. Supporting reality with which PEEK today this important role is also shared by the Cariplo Foundation, the Ferrero Foundation, Avon, Moncreal and many other world-famous companies. There is no shortage of personalities linked to the world of cinema such as Roberto Benigni e nicoletta braschi, present in the donation tree of the Milanese foundation.

All of them are joined, under the name of AUGE, by the two young Italian entrepreneurs, Monica Perna e Francis Iannello, who, despite living in Dubai for over five years, have maintained their ties with Italy to such an extent that in recent years they have shown great solidarity with the state of scientific research in Italy.

<<Seeing the name of our company next to large companies that have made the history of the Italian economy is a real honour>>, declares Monica Perna in this regard, <This leaf represents, first of all, the support of our community and of the students of the AUGE Method who have embraced our cause. A cause that has its roots in a very personal story>>. Over the course of two years, AUGE has donated over 10.000 euros to the IEO-CCM Foundation in support of the "Lung program" directed by Prof. Spaggiari and Prof. DeMarinis. A non-random choice for Perna whom he had entrusted to the care of the two luminaries and, therefore, to the IEO Foundation, her mother after being diagnosed with stage four lung cancer.

Thus, on October 2 of each year, the English Coach of Brianza, promoter of globish, on the occasion of his mother's birthday, who would have turned sixty in 2022, becomes the spokesperson for a message of great importance, leading AUGE to assume, within the Italian company, the role of company that carries on the Made in Italy even beyond national borders. But not a simple role, but a real responsibility.

<<The concept of responsibility for our company is fundamental>>, underlines Monica Perna, <in fact, our mission reads Your Education, Our Responsibility. This means that it is our responsibility to share value, experience and knowledge with our community. It is our responsibility to train people who, in turn, are responsible for making themselves understood by communicating in a foreign language such as English>>. And finally, Perna states: <Finally, the concept of responsibility lands in the social sphere and envisages a sort of circularity. As I always tell my students: You learn, to earn in life and to return to others. That is, one learns to gain value in one's own life and give it back to others, precisely through the sharing of knowledge.

Words, those of the CEO of AUGE International Consulting that reveal how much responsibility, training, communication and social, is part of the DNA of her digital company. A company that has been able to grasp, like other leaders of the international economy, the need to support scientific research in Italy, which is not financed enough by the State. A great gesture of responsibility, therefore, towards one's homeland, today repaid by the pride of appearing within the Donor Tree of the IEO Foundation.

AUGE, an example of responsibility towards cancer research in Italy