Latte, Bellanova: € 6 million to avoid waste

"We proposed to the Ministry's poor table, and in particular to charities, to allocate 6 million euros for the purchase of UHT milk, produced from raw milk collected in the period of greatest risk of waste, for its free distribution to the most needy. This is a strong operation against the risk of food waste that is taking place in these days as a consequence of the spread of Coronavirus. We do not want a liter of good, safe and guaranteed milk to be thrown away. For this reason, I appeal to the whole table to approve the measure and to put it into action in a tight circle to protect breeders and milk producers. With these resources we can reach about 180 thousand quintals of milk saved from waste and destined for the most needy. I take this opportunity to also thank thousands of volunteers who are ensuring continuity in these hours even in assisting the most fragile, together with civil protection ".

So the Minister Teresa Bellanova during the meeting with associations and organizations of the dairy supply chain held in the afternoon today and just ended, during which the point was made on the main urgencies of the sector related to the need to contain Coronavirus.

"We continue to be in close contact with associations and supply chains," said Minister Teresa Bellanova, "sharing point by point of what is necessary. The urgency that moves us is twofold: facing the emergency and preventing this state of affairs from affecting the life of a strategic sector for our country and essential for citizens. Good food cannot be called into question. For this reason, I continue to invite companies to maintain loyalty in the supply chain relationships, consumers to buy Italian products, and I also appeal to distribution in this direction. Supporting the Italian food supply chain today is imperative ".

Latte, Bellanova: € 6 million to avoid waste

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