Brexit: Merkel and May agree on the need to avoid a "no dial"

According to what emerged during a meeting of the CDU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Angela Merkel believes it is possible to extend the postponement of Brexit until the end of 2019 or at the latest at the beginning of 2020. The Chancellor reiterated the postponement is possible and that at the extraordinary EU summit on Brexit set for tomorrow will address the issue of "flextension", ie the extension of the deadline for Britain's exit, in order to avoid a "no-deal", that is a farewell without an agreement and therefore not regulated.

During the meeting yesterday with Theresa May, which lasted about an hour and a half, Merkel and May agreed on the need to avoid the "no deal". The current UK exit deadline is set for 12 April.

Brexit: Merkel and May agree on the need to avoid a "no dial"