BTP Value: Mef, extra final loyalty bonus of 0,5%

Issue from 2 to 6 October. Coupons paid every three months with pre-established and increasing rates

The Ministry of Economy and Finance announces that the final extra loyalty bonus relating to the second issue of the BTP Valore will be equal to 0,5% of the capital invested by small savers who purchase it during the placement days, from Monday 2nd to Friday 6 October 2023 (until 13.00 pm), and will keep it until the 5 years expire.

The BTP Valore is characterized in this issue by the novelty of the nominal coupons paid quarterly. Individual and similar savers (retail), to whom this family of government bonds is aimed exclusively, will in fact receive a coupon every three months, calculated on the basis of a pre-established rate for the first 3 years, which increases for the following 2 years of life of the security (the so-called step-up mechanism).

The minimum guaranteed coupon rates will be communicated on September 29th, while the definitive ones will be announced at the closing of the placement, on October 6th, and cannot in any case be lower than the minimum guaranteed coupon rates.

It will be easy for savers to subscribe to the BTP Valore, through their home banking, if enabled for online trading functions, or by contacting the bank or post office where they have a current account and securities deposit account.

The security will be placed on the MOT platform of the Italian Stock Exchange at par (price equal to 100), without constraints or commissions. The usual preferential taxation for government bonds of 12,5% ​​and exemption from inheritance taxes, coupons and loyalty bonuses are expected.

The minimum investment is equal to 1.000 euros and no maximum limit will be applied ensuring complete satisfaction of orders, unless the Ministry has the right to close the issue early in the manner indicated in the information sheet available on the MEF website and on the MEF website. Department of the Treasury in the Public Debt section (, where the FAQs and the Technical Note will also be published.

For information, write to the dedicated email address:

BTP Value: Mef, extra final loyalty bonus of 0,5%

| Economics, EVIDENCE 2 |