Calabria, Anas: coronavirus emergency. Checks for boarding to Sicily, along the A2 Mediterranean motorway

Active filtering in the service area of ​​Rosarno Ovest in the province of Reggio Calabria

As part of the activities aimed at containing and contrasting the spread of the Covid19 virus promoted by the regional ordinances of Calabria and Sicily, at the request of the Prefecture of Reggio Calabria, a control was activated along the A2 motorway - Mediterranean motorway - for the control of cars heading south to the embarkations of Villa San Giovanni.

The additional supplementary measures are added to the control activities already underway at the embarkations of Villa San Giovanni, coordinated by the Prefect of Reggio Calabria by law enforcement, health workers, civil protection and the municipal administration of Villa San Giovanni, following the orders issued by the President of the Calabria and Sicily Region, which have placed different and diversified restrictions on the entry of the respective regional territories.

Vehicular traffic heading south, is currently obligatorily conveyed to the Service Area of ​​Rosarno west (km 390,100), where the staff of the Traffic Police proceeds to verify the effective legitimacy of the movements on the Calabrian regional territory and / or to the embarkations of Villa San Giovanni for Sicily.

Anas, a company of the FS Italiane Group, points out that in compliance with government provisions for the Coronavirus emergency, it is important to limit travel (#iorestoacasa). For informed mobility, the evolution of the traffic situation in real time can also be consulted on all smartphones and tablets, thanks to the "GO" application by Anas, available for free in the "App store" and in the "Play store". The “Pronto Anas” customer service can be reached by calling the toll-free number 800.841.148

Calabria, Anas: coronavirus emergency. Checks for boarding to Sicily, along the A2 Mediterranean motorway