Donzelli case: Nordio "It was not information covered by the State Secret nor did it have any other classification"

In a note, the Minister of Justice, Carlo Nordio, quickly completed the reconstruction of the facts requested after the parliamentary debate of 31 January 2023, reported that the comparison between the statements made by the honorable John Donzelli and the documentation in the proceedings reveals that the textual affirmation of the Honorable Member – “from the documents that are present at the Ministry of Justice” – refers to a summary sheet of the Nic not covered by secrecy. There are no formal secrecy endorsements and no further different classifications on the card. 

As for the content of the conversations between the Cospito detainees and others, referred to by the honorable Donzelli, they were not the object of an interception activity but the result of mere administrative surveillance activity. In conclusion, the nature of the document does not detect and reveal contents subject to investigative secrecy or covered by the discipline of classified acts. 

Moreover, the noted affixing of the wording "limited disclosure”, present on the transmission note of the file, represents a formulation that goes beyond the subject of state secrets and the secrecy classifications, governed by law 124/07 and by the implementing Dpcm, and excludes that the transmission is comparable to a classified document, since it is a mere internal administrative practice in use by the Dap starting from the year 2019, not regulated at the primary standardization level.

All the documentation suitable to explain these conclusions will be illustrated in detail, when the Chambers deem it appropriate.

Donzelli case: Nordio "It was not information covered by the State Secret nor did it have any other classification"