China, the Space will have laws and regulations

China wants to legislate and regulate the production, testing of the flight and the launch of commercial rockets.

He reported it Wu Yanhua, Deputy Director of China's National Space Administration, during a speech at the China Aerospace Conference. The need is due to the fact that the commercial segment has become an important part of the Chinese space industry.

In recent days, China has announced its cooperation plan for its future Chang'e-6 mission, offering to transport twenty kilograms of payloads, according to reports from the National Space Administration of China (Cnsa).

"The orbiter and lander of the Chang'e-6 mission will each carry ten kilograms of payloads, which will be selected from national colleges, universities, private companies and foreign scientific research institutes," said Liu Jizhong, director of the center of space engineering for the Chinese lunar exploration of the CNSA. "China should launch the probe Chang'e-5 by the end of this year ”.

As a backup of the Chang'e-5 mission, the Chang'e-6 mission will automatically collect lunar samples for analysis and complete research, "explained Liu, who said the deadline for applying to join the cooperation plan is 31 August 2019. "China has always appreciated exchanges and cooperation with its international counterparts, while promoting deep space exploration and scientific and technological innovation," said Zhang Kejian, head of the CNSA. China has signed cooperation agreements with several international space agencies, including the United Nations Office for External Space Affairs, the Russian State Space Company Roscosmos and the European Space Agency.


China, the Space will have laws and regulations

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