Congo, unknown war, discovered dozens of common pits

The authorities of the Democratic Republic of Congo have announced that an armed group, already known to have killed some UN personnel in the past, has launched a new attack in the south of the country, massacring at least eight people. The group is said to be linked to the late tribal chief Kamwina Nsapu and the attack took place last Friday. Among the victims is also the wife of an administrative official. Joseph Mbuyi Mubenga specified that the assailants, after killing his wife, mutilated her body, beheaded her and had her head, hands and feet found on the street. Mubenga then added to a station close to the United Nations, Radio Okapi, that the militiamen also set fire to administrative offices, a prison and a convent of nuns. Since last August, violence has increased in three southern provinces of Congo, with a toll of over 400 civilians massacred, including two UN experts and their interpreters. Dozens of mass graves found by UN representatives.
Too bad that nobody talks about this war bulletin. A wicked, infamous war, where every morning you do not know if you arrive in the evening. A war where civilians are privileged targets. A war that does not interest anyone.

Congo, unknown war, discovered dozens of common pits

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