Coronavirus: "Italians don't understand and go to the beach on weekends". We need a super commissioner with "steel" p

(by Massimiliano D'Elia) The resuscitators ask for a decalogue, they are at the end of their strength and above all they are unable to assist all the sick citizens. Artificial respirators fail to meet the need. The "decision" is up to the doctors: they are forced to choose who to give respiratory support. Just as it is done in war, only those who have hope of life are helped and cared for. A tremendous choice, a selection that no one in our time would ever have thought they had to make.

Despite this, we have not yet understood that we are in "war", I am referring to us Italians who are not yet able to identify ourselves in a condition equal to that of an armed conflict, where every day there may be something not always positive.

Immaturity, ignorance together with the ignoble culture of having to find at any cost a way to evade the indications and directives of the State are contributing to the spread of the virus in a truly worrying way. The scenes of thousands of Italians fleeing from Lombardy to go south says it all, showing the whole world all our "Italianness": a people of poets, sculptors, painters, artists of all kinds but also of "naive", of " unconscious "and" mammoni ". Yesterday, to the bewilderment of Minister Speranza, everyone went to the sea for a walk and a delicious ice cream, bah !!!

Net of the emergency in progress, our rulers, the political ruling class, the School should seriously question why the Italians, not all fortunately, do not respect the rules, reject this primary practice to live in a civil society, in one Rule of law, where only rights are asked, but duties?

Now or never. Everyone, absolutely everyone, must do our part and gather around the institutions, this is not the time for controversy, even if an authoritative guide, a personality with the "p…. of steel“, Who is not conditioned by the political consequences of a decision, but who thinks only and only of the good and health of the Nation and its citizens. If politics, the Government are unable to manage the emergency in progress due to a state organizational structure, linked by solid bureaucratic ties, that one has the courage to stand aside and appoint a super commissioner with special powers, free from all , even from the magnifying glass of the judiciary. Using the army for activities restricting mobility, even if not "acceptable" by many, could perhaps be one of the extreme solutions to be implemented immediately.

I don't know if it's too late to do all this, however, the increase in deaths and the fact that we are the second country in the world for mortality in this emergency speak for themselves. Only yesterday the deaths were 133, the total goes from 233 to 366, with an increase of 57 percent in a single day Friday were 197. The infections on Saturday were 5.061, yesterday the head of the Civil Protection Department Angelo Borelli reported that 1.326 were added. We are at 6.387. 33 people healed in addition to Saturday's 589 total. The total number of sick and healed is 7375. The highest number of deaths occurred in Lombardy, 113. First death in Tuscany, in Pisa. The numbers, says the president of the Higher Institute of Health Silvio Brusaferro, explain why the restrictive measures in Lombardy and in the other provinces.

The only way to effectively combat the spread of the virus, as recommended by the president of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità Silvio Brusaferro, is to "avoid going out unless absolutely necessary. And when you are outside, take all precautions because, continues Brusaferro, there is not a part of Italy that can be considered immune, there are regions where the virus circulates less, if we continue to behave like nothing has happened, the virus will circulate. It depends on our behaviors".

"Italians stay home if you can”Is the appeal of a Walter ricciardi literally scandalized "by those Italians who this Sunday were quietly crowded by the sea to eat fish or have an aperitif as if nothing had happened ".

The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, horrified by the irresponsible behavior of an important slice of Italians: "The approved measures are very strict and important, but they need an alliance with the people, I'm ready to even have a hard punch against attitudes that are no longer tolerable, because the virus is no joke ".

Ricciardo then he wants to make it clear to those who minimize the phenomenon: "The problem is that today many reason believing that the possibility of getting infected is still a remote possibility, because they judge the over 7 thousand positives to date compared to the fact that in Italy we are 60 million“. “Those who think in this way do not know that a virus of this type can expand without finding resistance, because a vaccine is missing and because, being new, the whole population is devoid of antibodies to deal with it.".

La Repubblica reports that the curves of the graphs drawn up by epidemiologists, not only in Italy, say that the virus could affect up to 60% of the population, or over a million deaths, knocking out our hospitals, which with so many accesses do not they would be more able to treat coronavirus patients or those with other serious diseases.

An apocalyptic picture that Ricciardi believes is unlikely if  "responsibility in individual behavior will prevail by following the measures adopted and the suggestions we have given. Young people can continue to do the nightlife outdoors, as long as they pay attention to hygiene and behavior ".

In the last few hours, the Government has raised the tone of the communication

Minister Speranza relied on the common sense of the Italians: "we are a country of people who can have a very high civic sense, who understand the need to stay united and make a common front. Because this is a serious matter, which puts a strain on the health facilities that we are strengthening for this".

Covid-19 Rome and Lazio targeted. "Regions such as Lazio and Rome are particularly at risk. In the next few days the capital will certainly be interested", Said Ricciardi from the studies of Domenica In."Nothing to be taken for granted, especially if you begin to give up a bit of social life".

Zingaretti, from home because suffering from coronavirus, has closed, for now, gyms, swimming pools and spas throughout Lazio.


Coronavirus: "Italians don't understand and go to the beach on weekends". We need a super commissioner with "steel" p