Cyber ​​Security - Minniti, Italy safe for the next political elections

The Italian Minister of the Interior Marco Minniti in an interview with "La Stampa", spoke of the risk of terrorism, after the fall of Raqqa and of cyber security, in the light of the forthcoming political elections and the danger of interference on the network by foreign nations. Some features of the interview are reported.

On cybersecurity, we have set up a great protective infrastructure to defend ourselves. There will be no conditioning in the elections. After the Monti directive of 2013 - he explains - we now have the Gentiloni directive on cyberdefense. A shield based on three pillars, which make up the unitary response of the country system. The most important is obviously the first line made up of the Intelligence, the Armed Forces, the Postal Police and the Dis who coordinates everything. We have set up an alliance with the world of academia, we have built a relationship with 500 Italian teachers and a large number of faculties that keep us updated. One of the fundamental elements of Islamic State - explains Minniti on the surrender of Isis to Raqqa - was the ability to count on the largest foreign legion that has ever been set up in the modern era. We are talking about about 30000 fighters from 100 countries around the world. Some of these are surely dead, we no longer have to deal with those numbers. But some will try to go home. This is one of the topics we discuss at the G7 ″ in Ischia. Minniti launches an alarm: “Now they are running away, they are en route and there is an individual escape. A diaspora that can certainly also use the open routes of human trafficking ”. “The control” of the border with Libya, “begins to work, in Italy we have a minus 25% of arrivals and from the southern border of Libya we are minus 35%. There is a relationship that is consolidating with Chad, Niger and Mali. We will also talk about this tomorrow at the summit, because everyone's goal is that there are no “safe havens” in northern Africa, sanctuaries for terrorists. We work on several levels and they begin to listen to us, it is no coincidence that the witness of the G7 will be resumed in November in Bern with the meeting of the EU-North Africa contact group.

Cyber ​​Security - Minniti, Italy safe for the next political elections