Indigent Fund: the correction to the relaunch decree was published in the official gazette

Indigent Fund: the correction to the relaunch decree was published in the official gazette

The fund will be managed by the Mipaaf to support the food emergency and combat food waste

The correction to the relaunch decree was published yesterday in the Official Gazette as regards the Indigent Fund.

The Fund, which already with Cura Italia was endowed with resources for 50 million euros, has now been implemented for an additional 250 million euros, again under the direction of the Ministry of Agriculture, and with a dual objective: to support the food needs of families in difficulty, to tackle food waste.

"By pure material error," said Minister Teresa Bellanova, "the text published this morning in the Official Journal contained incorrect and inaccurate indications, corrected then by the subsequent correction, as shared in the Council of Ministers where the Government gave the green light to Relaunch Decree.

I strongly wanted to take the implementation of the Fund for 250 million euros as an indispensable objective, with the twofold objective of addressing the needs of families and people in difficulty and at the same time fighting food waste by purchasing only Italian and quality products. Objectives, however, fully shared with the Indigent Table, which we will meet again tomorrow morning by videoconference ".

Below is the new wording of article 226:

Art.226 - (Food Emergency Fund)

Based on the availability of the Revolving Fund as per Law no.16 of 1987 April 183, the amount of 250 million euros is allocated to supplement the food distribution initiatives for the emergency resulting from the spread of the Covid virus. 19 and with the procedures established by the fund pursuant to art. 58, paragraph 1, of decree-law 22 June 2012, n.83 converted, with amendments, by law 7 August 2012, n.134, which contributes to the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived (FEAD) 2014/2020, established by the regulation (EU) no. 223/2014 of the European Parliament and of the board of 11 March 2014.

The resources referred to in paragraph 1 are provided by the Agency for agricultural disbursements.

Indigent Fund: the correction to the relaunch decree was published in the official gazette

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