Casaleggio and Di Battista together, isolated Di Maio with Salvini waiting on the river bank

(by Massimiliano D'Elia) Davide #Casaleggio e Alessandro Di Battista together with Catania. An important signal for the fate of the movement. The appearance on the stage of the two "apparent marginalized", has received the cold reaction of the leader Luigi Di Maio which is grappling with the various regional assemblies throughout Italy, to build the electorate network directly on the territory. Weak area of ​​the Movement, an unorganized area that probably helped to mark the resounding defeat of the recent European elections.

Yesterday in front of about 300 Umbrian activists, Di Maio did not spare his irritation at Di Battista's criticisms. "We went to the government to do things, as long as these conditions allow us to do them, I will continue. Because if instead the theme is political reasoning ... that's why I got pissed these days when I heard this phrase 'bureaucrats closed in the ministries". The sentence contested by Di Maio refers to the one written by Di Battista in his recent book: "bureaucrats closed in ministries".

Words that Fanpage captured in audio and broadcast in the afternoon with Di Maio's staff who, in fact, confirm the meaning of the statements: "No stolen audio, Di Maio is sincere, he says what he thinks, the essence of the M5S is to look at each other and say things to each other ”. Di Maio, in audio, does not save a dig at ally Matteo Salvini, able to jump from municipality to municipality because it uses the state aircraft, which the M5S leader refuses to use. The response of theSalvini Press Office was peremptory: "state flights certified and used only for institutional purposes, ready to start the complaints".

The Democratic Party takes advantage of this and asks Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte to report to Parliament on the use of state flights during the election campaign.

Di Maio reiterated to the activists that up to now, the M5S ministers have mainly been "doing" things in the yellow-green government. Concept that, from Catania, Casaleggio resumes: "Nine reforms out of eleven in the government were made by the M5S, let's say". Casaleggio goes further and opens to Di Battista's proposal on the derogation from the double mandate in the event of a government crisis: "We are talking about it, we continue to check if our rules are current". It would be a green light for the elections. Many 5S parliamentarians who sit on the seats of Parliament are already in their second term and fear elections due to the risk of leaving the political scene.

Also in Catania in the late evening, Casaleggio's interview with Di Battista. At the event Rousseau Lab all the Sicilian pentastellatos were present, including the minister Giulia Grillo which, together with Danilo Toninelli, they are very active with the aim of avoiding being a victim of the reshuffle. On the other side there is  pentastellato parliamentary group that is in fibrillation and thunders against both Di Maio and Di Battista: "but why did he come to get his hands dirty?“, Is the concept reiterated by more than one deputy in recent days.

Di Maio's fringe defends the head of the Movement stating that the criticisms raised in recent days depend on the announced reshuffle of the undersecretaries.  

In the meantime, Salvini waits, on the banks of the river and weaves the canvas with Forza Italia - he met Carfagna, the new force coordinator, together with Giovanni Toti - and with Giorgia Meloni's Fratelli d'Italia.

Next week there will probably be the truth about the infringement procedure that the EU Commission wants to "impose" on Italy. One more reason for Salvini to return to the polls putting the blame for the European sanction, precisely to the pentastellato immobility. Conte and Di Maio, in the last approved decrees, as the last act of a final already marked, are supporting, as far as possible, the League.

A League that, on the other hand, has clear ideas, just waiting for the "most propitious" moment to pull the plug on the yellow-green government, even if Salvini declares that he wants to continue with this Government.

In the meantime, the M5S, with the return of Di Battista, supported by Casaleggio Junior, is about to implode, with all due respect to the Grillini voters. And Beppe Grillo? Boh !!!


Casaleggio and Di Battista together, isolated Di Maio with Salvini waiting on the river bank