DEFENSE: On. Volpi (LEGA) strategic investments - in addition to the cost benefits the “strategic balance sheet” is needed

For the major strategic infrastructures necessary for the country as well as for innovative platforms and consolidated programs that also involve the defense world, the so-called cost-benefit analysis is not enough and should be accompanied by a strategic balance sheet.

This is a necessary in-depth study that is not based solely on material and financial terms but which analyzes strategic options, even for the medium - long term, with respect to intangible data referable, for example, to international commitments, alliances and projections geopolitical.

Calculations, even if complex, that do not take these impacts into account, appear spurious of a more complete analysis that allows a wider awareness also in reference to international relations and therefore a complete and broad-spectrum strategic vision in the moment of the choices.

It would be appropriate - concludes the Hon. Volpi in a note - immediately therefore a “strategic balance sheet” that collects, for these works and for these programs, the overall visions to be combined with the cost-benefit analyzes.


DEFENSE: On. Volpi (LEGA) strategic investments - in addition to the cost benefits the “strategic balance sheet” is needed