The Adm. Nicola De Felice, Senior Fellow of the Centro Studi Machiavelli, he created for the Salvini Premier League, in its Lazio articulation, the programmatic document entitled A strategy for a safe region.

Below are the cornerstones of the programmatic document, the first of its kind that outlines in a clear and well-argued way a new strategy for a safer region. The idea is to propose an “all-round” approach to the sector. In fact, the principle of close contiguity between the spheres of internal and external security - since neither the origin of the threat or hostile action nor the objective of these can be clearly discerned - has now firmly established itself. It is therefore necessary not to underestimate the need to deal with risk factors such as the SARS 2 / COVID pandemic - as already demonstrated - but also uncontrolled illegal immigration with terrorism and Islamic radicalism inoculated in it, cyber insecurity, lack of energy and water resources and the environmental emergency. All with methods and organization that only the military can ensure.

Admiral Div. Res. Nicola De happy

The classic concept of global security - understood not only as military, but also political, health, economic, social and environmental - not referable exclusively to the security of institutional entities, but which involves that of individuals and their inalienable rights, must therefore be expanded. and dealt with in a synergistic way with the various tools of power available, if you do not want to be subjected to events. The programmatic document, drawn up by the Adm. De Felice as head of department Defense of the League in Lazio, acknowledges the change concerning the evolution of the security landscape, in a geopolitical framework characterized by a continuous evolution of the factors that make it by its nature uncertain and unstable, especially in large cities such as Rome. The in-depth analysis of the scenarios, of the evolutionary factors and of the socio-political scenario, together with the future conflicts hypothesized and treated separately by the military experts in the sector, are considered as support tools for the programmatic documentation in question, in order to focus the attention on issues considered critical, reducing the chances of being unprepared for events and adequately increasing both the capabilities and resilience of the national military force in a social context closer to us, to our families.

The objective that arises with the aforementioned strategy is that of declining the theme "Defense" in the regional and metropolitan framework. Consequently, the guidelines identified concern those macro-areas that start from the protection of national interests, defense contribution to internal security, the development and well-being of the population, to the fight against COVID, but also to put the spotlight on the condition of the military category and of their families, relations with the Lazio academic world, those with the defense industry in the region and their related activities. A light and concise document, to be considered fluid and in continuous evolution and updating, but a sure basis for working right now for the good of Rome and Lazio.

Department of Defense Lega Lazio, planning document at the start: "A strategy for a safe region"