Video game addiction, a new disease recognized by the World Health Organization

The WHO has announced on its website, in a post, of the decision to include video game addiction in the next revision of the International Classification of Diseases, the 'official list' of diseases, scheduled for half a year. Gaming disorder will include a series of behaviors characterized by a lack of control over the game, the precedence given to the game over other daily activities and interests, and the escalation of the problem despite the manifestation of negative consequences. "To arrive at the diagnosis, the behavioral problem must involve a significant impairment of personal, family, social and occupational functions for at least 12 months". The insertion of the disease follows the development of treatment programs in many parts of the world. “The inclusion will lead to greater attention on the part of the risks of developing the problem and the development of relevant prevention and therapy measures”.

Video game addiction, a new disease recognized by the World Health Organization

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