Dossier Libya, France does not give up

France does not give up on the Libya dossier despite the UN decision to leave its mission for another year and bring the North African country to the elections by March 2019. Béatrice le Fraper du Hellen, ambassador of France to Libya, was appointed ambassador to Malta and began her new post with a meeting last Sunday in Tunisia with the head of the Libyan High Council of State Khalid Al-Mishri.

According to the press office of the High Council, the meeting is the last attempt to create a constitutional basis for the elections in Libya set during the Paris meeting.
"The tight deadline, however, could derail the Paris Agreement as the House of Representatives is not doing its part," Al-Mishri said.
Al-Mishri therefore welcomed the passage of the law on the constitutional referendum, stating that efforts should be redoubled to end the crisis.
The main Libyan representatives (Al Sarraj and Khalifa Haftar) signed a declaration of principles last May in Paris to end the political stalemate and arrive at "September 16 with a constitutional framework and December 10 with elections."

Al Mishri then represented the general situation of Libya at the French ambassador.
“The economic reforms will have a very positive impact on the living conditions of Libyans and we have made a lot of efforts to carry them out.
As for security in Tripoli, dialogue can be the only remedy for any conflict, underlining the need to implement on the ground the security measures agreed in the Libyan political agreement ”.

Dossier Libya, France does not give up