Draghi in Brussels: Ok to NATO and the USA but also to the countries of North Africa

(by Andrea Pinto) The second day of the European Council focused on Defense and Security, relations with NATO and the countries of North Africa. In March, the heads of state and government will speak, in more detail, on the future of EU relations with Turkey and Russia.

The president's engraving Charles Michel opened the works of the second day: "In Europe we are ready to do our part to be a strong and reliable partner. Not only for the US, but also for the UN and regional partners. We want to increase investment in defense and civilian and military capabilities ”.

On the DEFENSE the president of the EU Commission, Ursula von der Leyen said: "Good intentions are not enough. One of the main weaknesses of the EU is the fragmentation of the different military systems. But we are working on it, the aim is to have a common approach to the military capabilities we share in the EU, to develop them together. It's not just interoperability ”.

The Born. Von der Leyen continued: "Cooperation with NATO remains a priority but there are scenarios in which NATO is not involved and the EU must be able to move on its own ”.

Differences between the 27 EU countries. The Eastern countries have NATO as their cornerstone in an anti-Russian sense, while France is pushing for greater strategic autonomy that affects all industry including defense. Italy from the premier's first approaches Mario Draghi remains between the two positions: "This government will be convinced pro-European and Atlanticist, in line with Italy's historical anchors". Draghi in videoconference underlined the importance of the strategic autonomy of the EU in a framework of complementarity with NATO and coordination with the USA. Draghi's strategic idea envisages for the EU to continue its fortification in terms of security, especially in the sensitive and changing world of cybersecurity and hybrid threats.

Draghi then showed interest and evident appreciation for the initiative of the EU High Representative, Josep Borrell, and the Commission for the implementation of the "strategic compass ", the strategic compass that aims to define what kind of security and defense actor the Union wants to be.

In addition to the USA and NATO, Draghi agreed on the Union's commitment to relaunch greater and constructive cooperation with the Mediterranean countries through political dialogue, economic support, without neglecting the climate, energy, tourism and the Commerce.

Draghi in Brussels: Ok to NATO and the USA but also to the countries of North Africa