Eataly participates in the White Night of Italian Food

Saturday 4 August will be the White Night of Italian Food, established by the Ministries of Agricultural, Food and Forestry Policies and Cultural Heritage and Tourism, to celebrate the rich food and wine heritage of our country in the 2018, Year of Italian Food. The date was not chosen by chance: the 4 1820 August was in fact born in Forlimpopoli, in the province of Forlì Cesena, Pellegrino Artusi, the writer and gastronomist considered the father of Italian cuisine.

The White Night will therefore be an opportunity to raise awareness of the uniqueness and goodness of Italian food and enhance the immense cultural and artistic heritage that distinguishes our country and that differs from region to region.

Eataly, which every day offers its customers the best food and wine products of the area, recounting their traditions and values, adheres to the White Night of Food. In the Eataly in Turin, Florence and Rome on the occasion of the day of August 4 will be offered the desserts that Pellegrino Artusi in his most famous work "Science in the kitchen and the art of eating well" presents as a symbol of the 3 main cities of Unification of Italy: “Dolce Torino”, “Dolce Firenze” and “Dolce Roma”.

Following the recipes of Artusi, Eataly chefs will interpret the raw materials of the territory, creating desserts that symbolize local excellence. In the case of "Dolce Torino" the main ingredients are in fact the biscuits and chocolate; the "Dolce Firenze" is instead a simple but tasty cake of bread, egg cream and sultanas that the gastronomist tasted for the first time in the Tuscan city; finally, the "Dolce Roma", based on apples, owes its name to the fact that a gentleman from Rome had sent the recipe to Artusi.

The three desserts are a tribute to the master gastronome who has made cooking an object of study and interest at all levels, transversely to geographical realities and social classes: an objective that Eataly intends to pursue, in the belief that "eating well helps to live better ".

Eataly participates in the White Night of Italian Food

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