Coronavirus emergency: "Government specifications and instructions"

On the Government website, in a note, a series of questions and answers, in reference to the decree "Italy protected area". 

The important thing is that you can always go out to buy groceries and there is no 'need to grab them now because' they will always be available, specifies the note. It is allowed to do physical activity as long as it is not in a group"And it is allowed to leave the house also for the purchase not of food but"only in case of strict necessity (purchase of necessary goods, such as light bulbs that burned out in the house). "

Are public offices open? - Yes, throughout the country, without distinction between areas. The administrative activity is performed regularly. In any case, almost all the services are available online. In any case, the suspension of didactic and training activities in the presence of schools, infant-toddler centers, museums, libraries is envisaged.  

The decree provides for employees, users and visitors of the offices of public administrations, throughout the country, the provision of disinfectant solutions for hand hygiene. 

In the event of difficulties in procuring such solutions and consequent temporary unavailability, should the offices remain open anyway? - The offices must however remain open. The presence of disinfectant solutions is a further precautionary measure but their temporary unavailability does not justify the closure of the office, putting in place all the necessary measures to find them. 

Is the civil servant who has feverish symptoms under ordinary illness or does he fall under the provisions of the decree-law for which sick days are not reduced? - It falls under the ordinary illness regime. If it is subsequently ascertained that it is a subject who falls within the measure of quarantine or infected with COVID-19, the curtailment will not apply.  

I am a civil servant and would like to work in smart working. What tools do I have? - The new measures encourage the use of smart working, simplifying access. It is up to the employer to identify the organizational methods that allow smart working to be recognized by the largest possible number of employees. The employee can present an application that will be accepted on the basis of the organizational methods envisaged.

The state police also issued the self-certification facsimile for travel from the place of residence to residence.

#IoRestoaCasa Decree, frequently asked questions on the measures adopted by the Government

1 Are there differences within the national territory?

No, due to the effect of the dpcm of March 9, the rules are the same throughout the national territory and are effective from the date of March 10 and until April 3.

2 Are there still red areas?

No, there are no longer any red areas. The limitations that were foreseen in the previous dpcm of 1st March (with the establishment of specific red areas) have ceased. By now, with the dpcm of March 9, the rules are the same for everyone.


1 What is meant by "avoiding any movement of individuals"? Are there any bans? Can we go out to work? Can anyone who is under quarantine measure move?

You must avoid leaving the house. You can go out to go to work or for health reasons or for other needs, such as, for example, the purchase of essential goods. However, you must be able to prove it, also by means of a self-declaration that can be made on pre-printed forms already supplied to the state and local police forces. The veracity of the self-declarations will be subject to subsequent checks and the untruthfulness constitutes a crime. However, it is recommended to work remotely, where possible, or to take holidays or leave. Without a valid reason, it is required and necessary to stay at home, for the good of all.

There is also an "absolute ban" on leaving home for those who are quarantined or tested positive for the virus.

2 If I live in one municipality and work in another, can I go back and forth?

Yes, it is a justified shift for business needs.

3 Are there any travel restrictions for those with respiratory infection symptoms and fever greater than 37,5?

In this case it is strongly recommended to stay at home, contact your doctor and limit contact with other people as much as possible.

4 What does "proven working needs" mean? How will self-employed workers demonstrate "proven job needs"?

It is always possible to go out to work, although it is recommended to work remotely, where possible, or to take vacation or leave. "Proven" means that you must be able to demonstrate that you are going (or returning) to work, also through the binding self-declaration referred to in FAQ no. 1 or by any other means of proof, the untruthfulness of which constitutes a crime. In case of control, you will have to declare your work necessity. It will then be the responsibility of the Authorities to verify the veracity of the declaration made with the adoption of the consequent sanctions in case of false declarations.

5 How should cross-border workers behave?

Cross-border workers will be able to enter and leave the territories concerned to reach their jobs and return home. Interested parties will be able to prove the business reason for the move by any means (see previous FAQ).

6 Will there be checkpoints to check compliance with the measure?

There will be checks. In the presence of uniform rules on the whole national territory, there will be no fixed checkpoints to prevent people from moving. The municipal police and the police forces, as part of their ordinary territorial control activities, will supervise compliance with the rules.

7 Will anyone who is away from home, home or residence come back?

Yes, anyone has the right to return to their home, home or residence, without prejudice to the fact that they can only be moved for work needs, situations of need or health reasons.

8 Is it possible to go out to buy food? Will groceries always be available?

Yes, you can always go out to buy groceries and there is no need to grab them now because they will always be available.

9 Is motor activity allowed?

Yes, outdoor motor activity is allowed as long as not in a group.

10 Can I go out to buy goods other than food?

Yes, but only in case of strict necessity (purchase of necessary goods, such as light bulbs that burned out in the house).

11 Can I go to assist my dear elderly who are not self-sufficient?

Yes, it is a condition of necessity. But remember that the elderly are the most vulnerable people and therefore try to protect them from contacts as much as possible.


1 Are there any restrictions on the transit of goods?

No, no limitations. All goods (therefore not only the basic necessities) can be transported on the national territory. The transport of goods is considered as a work requirement: the personnel who lead the means of transport can move, limited to the needs of delivery or collection of the goods.

2 Can freight couriers circulate?

Yes, they can move.

3 I am a haulier. Are there any restrictions on my work activity?

No, there are no restrictions on the transit and loading and unloading of goods.

4 Are there restrictions for non-scheduled public transport?

No. There are no restrictions on non-scheduled public transport. The taxi and ncc service has no limitations as the activity carried out is considered a work requirement.


1 Are public offices open?

Yes, on the whole national territory. Administrative activity is carried out regularly. In any case, almost all services are available online. However, the didactic and training activities are suspended in the presence of schools, kindergartens, museums, libraries.

2 The decree provides for employees, users and visitors of public administration offices, throughout Italy, to make available disinfectant solutions for hand hygiene. In the event of difficulties in supplying these solutions and consequently their temporary unavailability, should the offices remain open anyway?

The offices must however remain open. The presence of disinfectant solutions is a further precautionary measure but their temporary unavailability does not justify the closure of the office, putting in place all the necessary measures to find them.

3 Is the civil servant who has feverish symptoms under ordinary sickness or falls under the provisions of the law-decree for which sick days are not shortened?

It is part of the ordinary sickness regime. If it were subsequently ascertained that it is a subject who is within the quarantine measure or infected with COVID-19, the reduction will not apply.

4 I am a civil servant and would like to work in smart working. What tools do I have?

The new measures encourage the use of smart working, simplifying access. It is up to the employer to identify the organizational methods that allow the recognition of smart working to as many employees as possible. The employee may submit an application which will be accepted on the basis of the organizational methods envisaged.


1 Can bars and restaurants open regularly?

The restaurant and bar activity is allowed from 6.00 to 18.00, with the operator's obligation to set up the conditions to guarantee the possibility of respecting the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter, with the sanction of suspension of the activity in case of violation.

2 Can food and drink deliveries be delivered at home anyway?

The time limit from 6.00 to 18.00 refers only to opening to the public. The activity can however continue during the closing times to the public through home deliveries. It will be the responsibility of those who organize the home delivery activity - the same operator or a so-called platform - to avoid that the moment of delivery foresees personal contacts.

3 I am a pub manager. Can I continue to operate my business?

The prohibition foreseen by the Prime Ministerial Decree concerns the performance in pubs of any activity other than the administration of food and drinks. It is therefore possible to continue to administer food and drinks in pubs, suspending play activities and aggregation events (such as live music, screenings or other), in compliance with the hourly limitations already provided for bar and restaurant activities (from 6.00 to 18.00) and, in any case, with the obligation to enforce the interpersonal safety distance of at least one meter.

4 What is planned for theaters, cinemas, museums, archives, libraries and other places of culture?

It will be closed to the public throughout the national territory.


1 What does the decree for schools provide?

In the period up to April 3, 2020, the attendance of schools of all levels and grades is suspended. There remains the possibility of carrying out distance learning activities, taking into account, in particular, the specific needs of students with disabilities.


1 What does the decree for universities provide?

In the period until April 3, 2020, the attendance of higher education activities is suspended, including universities and institutions of high artistic, musical and choreutic training, professional courses, masters and universities for the elderly. The possibility of carrying out distance learning activities remains, taking into account, in particular, the specific needs of students with disabilities. Research activity is not suspended.

2 Can exam sessions and graduation sessions be held?

Yes, they can be carried out by using the remote methods as a priority or in any case by adopting the hygienic-sanitary and organizational precautions indicated by the dpcm of 4 March; in the case of exams and distance degree sessions, the necessary measures must be ensured to guarantee the required publicity.

3 Can students' receptions and other activities be held?

Yes. Doctoral courses, student reception, matriculation tests, participation in laboratories, etc., may be provided in compliance with the precautionary hygiene and sanitation measures, making priority use of remote methods. Also in this case particular attention must be given to students with disabilities.

4 What is expected for medical specialization courses?

Post-university courses connected with the exercise of the health professions, including those for doctors in specialist training, and the activities of trainees in the health and medical professions are excluded from the suspension. Research activity is not suspended.

5 What happens to those on Erasmus?

As for Erasmus + projects, it is necessary to refer to the indications of the competent European institutions, ensuring, however, all useful information to the participants.


1 What does the decree provide for ceremonies, events and shows?

All organized events are suspended throughout the national territory as well as events in public or private places, including those of a cultural, recreational, sporting, religious and fair nature, even if held in closed but open to the public places (such as example, cinemas, theaters, pubs, dance schools, game rooms, betting rooms and bingo halls, discos and similar places).

2 Can we go to church or to other places of worship? Can masses or other religious rites be celebrated?

Until April 3 all civil and religious ceremonies, including funerals, are suspended throughout the national territory. Therefore the celebration of mass and other religious rites is also suspended, such as the Friday morning prayer for the Islamic religion.

The opening and access to places of worship are allowed, as long as gatherings are avoided and the distance between the attendants is not less than one meter.


1 What does the decree stipulate for travel for tourism?

On the whole national territory, travel for tourism reasons is absolutely to be avoided. Italian and foreign tourists who are already on vacation must limit travel to those necessary to return to their places of residence, home or home.

Since the airports and train stations remain open, tourists will be able to go there to take the plane or train and return to their homes. It is recommended to check the status of flights and public transport on the sites of land, sea and air transport companies.

2 How does the limitation on administration and bar activities apply to tourist accommodation facilities?

The accommodation facilities can carry out administration and bar activities also in the time slot from 18 to 6, exclusively in favor of their customers and in compliance with all the safety precautions referred to in the Presidential Decree of 8 March.

3 How should the tourist accommodation structure behave towards a customer? Do you have to verify the reasons for your trip?

It is not up to the tourist accommodation to verify the existence of the conditions that allow the movement of natural persons.


1 Are there restrictions on the transport of live animals, animal feed and agri-food and fisheries products?

No, there are no restrictions.

2 If I am an agricultural entrepreneur, an agricultural worker, even a seasonal worker, are there restrictions on my work activity?

No, there are no restrictions.


Coronavirus emergency: "Government specifications and instructions"