Exclusively, Putin's chef would have paid the fake news of Russiagate


US investigators from Russiagate believe that the local oligarch Ievgheni Prigozhin, nicknamed by the local oligarch Ievgheni Prigozhin, has been financing the Russian technology company "Internet Research Agency" (IRA) in St. Russian media "Putin's chef". CNN reports it citing anonymous investigative sources. In the company there was a "provocation department" dedicated to sowing fake news and social divisions in the West. After spending nine years in prison for fraud and robbery in the 80s, Prigozhin launched himself into the catering and restaurant business until to organize Putin's birthday parties and dinners for his guests, from George W Bush to Jaques Chirac. He later won lucrative contracts for Russian schools and the Russian military. Note the story for which he was sanctioned by the American treasury for his financial support for the Russian military occupation of Ukraine.

Meanwhile, the investigation into Russiagate continues. Sean Spicer, the former spokesman for President Donald Trump, was questioned yesterday by the team of special prosecutor Robert Mueller investigating Russiagate. Politico reports it, underlining that the interrogation lasted almost all day and that Spicer was pressed, in particular, on the firing of former FBI director James Comey and on Trump's meeting in the Oval Office. with Russian Foreign Minister Serghei Lavrov and former Moscow Ambassador to Washington, Serghei Kislyak. Trump's former chief of staff, Reince Priebus, was heard on Friday. In the next few days, Politico writes, current White House communications chief Hope Hicks and White House attorney Don McGahn will also be heard, although a date has not yet been set for them.

Category: MONDO, PRP Channel