Europe-Great Britain: special agreement after Brexit?

According to what emerged from the previews of an interview by French President Emmanuel Macron to the BBC, an interview that will be broadcast on Sunday, the French president would have said that a special agreement between the United Kingdom and the European Union would be very possible "but this special route must be compatible with the protection of the single market and European collective interests. London cannot think of remaining in the single market if it does not accept it in its entirety: Great Britain will not have access to the single market if it does not contribute to the EU budget, if it does not accept the four freedoms that are part of it - free circulation of goods, people, services and capital) and the jurisdiction of the European Court of Justice.

"You can not just choose what you want in the single market, because that means dismantling it," Macron added.

Europe-Great Britain: special agreement after Brexit?

| MONDO, PRP Channel |