Lega and Fratelli d'Italia together with the Government. Steve Bannon, "this is where the revolution starts"

Matteo Salvini at the youth party of Brothers of Italy, Atreju was accompanied by Giorgia Meloni and during his speech he said, “have you ever seen a prime minister in office wishing that the government would fall”. Yes, because Salvini feels he is prime minister and is so convinced that the sentence escapes him, later corrected by Enrico Mentana. There was no shortage of hints on immigration "if an asylum seeker beats a policeman, I will tear up the application and send you back to your country" and then reassurances on the electoral law for Europeans, "we do not want to raise the thresholds", to please the group of Meloni.

Then Salvini wanted to send a message, "I too would have preferred a center-right government", but it went as it went, "and I would make the choice three and a half months ago". "The news is that he said that he would like Fdi and not Forza Italia from the government", Daniela Santanché emphasizes satisfied.

Salvini says this when he affirms that the government could be extended to Meloni, with whom "we share battles and values", but not to Forza Italia. The proof is the three-party meetings a few days ago at the top of Palazzo Grazioli and the decision to only "local agreements". Antonio Tajani is furious about it, “Salvini wants his cake and his wife drunk”. Berlusconi is more patient, "he must maintain relations with the other party, it must be understood ...". Tajani was supposed to be in Atreju just yesterday afternoon, but he had to give up due to illness. Steve Bannon, the former Trump ideologue, the American sovereignist who created The Movement, sealed the union of Salvini and Meloni in the afternoon. In a very long speech in English he defined "your experiment the most important because the revolution can start from here". The reference to the union of Lega and Fdi in the same government was clear, certain of the success already in the next Europeans.


Lega and Fratelli d'Italia together with the Government. Steve Bannon, "this is where the revolution starts"