Fake news: Ready comparison for a new parliamentary group

"Colossal cretinata". The senator's comment is dry and categorical Gianluigi Paragone, requested by Affaritaliani.it, to today's indiscretion of the Republic according to which Paragone and other ten 5 Stars would be ready to leave the group to form an autonomous one, copying the operation Renzi. "But do you think something makes sense for which I go out of the 5 Star Movement group to go and make a group of dissidents in support of the government which is the same one that I didn't trust?"Says Paragone. Which concludes: "Guys, the Republic should also give a minimum sense of logic to the pieces it writes".

The case Gianluigi Paragone shakes the waters inside the Movement 5 Starsand not just for the expulsion procedure, initiated against the senator guilty of not having voted the confidence placed on the Budget law, thus contravening the dictates of the pentastellato regulation.

"To expel me they will have to sweat"He commented to A Sheep Day the former conductor, specifying then that in case of a 5 Star hunt he wouldn't go through the league too as whispered by some malignant.

La Repubblica however, he hypothesized a different scenario: Gianluigi Paragone in the case of a leak from the 5 Star Movement could not end up in the Mixed Group, but give life to a autonomous parliamentary group along with others 10 grillini senators that they would be ready to follow him.

However, this group would always remain within the majority of the Conte bis, along the lines of what was done by Matteo Renzi which came off the PD with Italy Viva which then remained loyal to the Giallorossi.

Gianluigi Paragone after the political elections of 2018 it was one of the new and leading faces of the Movement 5 Stars, so much so that during the first Conte government done in tandem with the League his posts were constantly re-shared from the official party accounts, with only the political head Luigi Di Maio exceeding him numerically in this special ranking.

After the crisis of government in August and the symposium between the pentastellatos and the center-left, this idyll between Paragone and the leaders of the Movement was interrupted until the break of these days, with the senator who did not vote for the trust at the Palazzo Madama alla Budget law.

Waiting to understand what will be the decision of the arbiters, La Repubblica wrote of a Comparison that would still be ready for some sort of split within the 5 Stars, forming a new one autonomous groupalong with others 10 pentastellated senators also their data with suitcases in hand.


Fake news: Ready comparison for a new parliamentary group