Fatwa, men in Turkey can not use hair dye

The Directorate for Religious Affairs of Turkey has issued a "fatwa", declaring the use of black dye for Muslim Turkish men inadmissible. According to Diyanet, this is the name of the highest Turkish religious authority, dyeing one's beard, mustache and hair is always allowed, unless the purpose is to "deceive" other people. It is different to use black hair dye, an act defined as inadmissible for the Muslim man in an answer given through the Diyanet website. The Turkish religious authority has also defined the use of Bitcoin as "inadmissible", the digital currency on which a faithful questioned himself just a few days ago and which, according to the religious, would lend itself to too easy speculation, money laundering and operations illicit. Another noteworthy response concerns work in places where alcoholic beverages are produced or sold, on whose compliance with Islamic dictates various users have questioned who have considered it appropriate to ask Diyanet for help. “Working in places that produce prohibited substances is inadmissible, however it is allowed to work in places that sell or produce alcohol only if there are no other work options and the faithful have the indispensable need to work in order to live.

Fatwa, men in Turkey can not use hair dye 

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