Finally the OPCW team of inspectors in Douma for sampling and various material

Today, a team of inspectors from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) visited a site in Douma, Syria, to collect samples and try to determine if such weapons were used there on April 7.

In a statement, the OPCW said it will also consider whether the team should make a second visit to Douma.

The samples will be transported to the Netherlands and thereafter to the organization's network of laboratories designated for analysis.

Based on the sample results and other information and materials collected by the team, the mission will compile a report and submit it to the organisation's member states.

The OPCW has been investigating the use of toxic chemicals in the Syrian civil war since 2014. The inspectors tried to reach Douma for several days.

The OPCW team will attempt to determine if chemical weapons were used and, if so, what type and to determine which parties to the conflict used them.

Finally the OPCW team of inspectors in Douma for sampling and various material

| MONDO, PRP Channel |