Foiba Basovizza, Frassinetti: "A unique emotion to go there with students"

“Today with Minister Valditara we went to the Foiba di Basovizza together with the winning students of the national school competition “February 10th”. For me it was a great emotion to go with them to such an evocative place, where two thousand Italians were subjected to violence by Tito's communist partisans. Visits by schools to these places must be intensified and the memory must always be kept alive and strengthened, even in the light of the deafening silence that has existed for too long on these immense and atrocious massacres".

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This is what the hon. Paola Frassinetti, Undersecretary of Education and Merit, following the visit to the Foiba di Basovizza national monument.

Foiba Basovizza, Frassinetti: "A unique emotion to go there with students"