G7 Education, Minister Valditara's speech in the first session

Personalize learning without leaving anyone behind, bringing the teacher back to the center of society

In the G7 Education Ministers' Meeting in Toyama, Minister Valditara, speaking first in the opening session, supported the centrality of the personalization of learning, to enhance the talents of every young person, leaving no one behind and giving every student an opportunity to better realize its potential; he also underlined the importance of restoring authority to the role of teachers, putting the teaching profession back at the center of society, focusing on the quality and training of teaching staff. He also underlined the need to restore serenity to schools after the pandemic crisis, guaranteeing safe schools, beautiful schools that are stimulating places to work and study, contrasting violence and bullying.

He also highlighted the importance of digital culture, which however must be governed. Furthermore, the Minister highlighted the need to bring the culture of work into schools and the role of professional education. It is advisable to give space to external teachers where adequate specializations are lacking, to guarantee school-work alternation and apprenticeship. The economy of the future is increasingly an economy of knowledge transfer, hence the centrality of education as a transfer of skills and knowledge to stimulate social and economic growth. Finally, the Minister concluded by insisting that a great alliance be created for education, also at an international level, to restore centrality to the school.

G7 Education, Minister Valditara's speech in the first session