Gabrielli, politics does not download everything on the police

There is no suspension of evictions, nor a green light for the occupations of buildings. The chief of police, Franco Gabrielli, specified this in an interview with Corriere della Sera. The problem is not avoiding evictions but occupations; prevent them from being realized and consolidated over time. And to do this, social interventions and policies that do not concern the police forces are needed. We are called to intervene when the emergency is already underway and often to carry out orders given by others, as in the case of the building in via Curtatone in Rome. Before proceeding with the public force, it is necessary to face critical situations and social fragility by offering alternative opportunities to those who have the right, and this is a task that is mainly up to local authorities. It is a collective process, in which each administration must assume its responsibilities; we are ready to do our part, and if illegality remains to be removed in the end, we will continue to do our part. I'm saying - he emphasizes - that when an emergency arrives on the commissioner's table it is already late, because it means that the use of force is almost inevitable. Local administrations, and therefore politics, cannot delegate everything to the police forces, because certain problems, before being of public order, are social problems, which cannot be unloaded on the police, making them become objects of exploitation and confrontation between those who sympathize with them and those who attack them ”. “The sentence pronounced by the official on broken arms is serious - says the chief of police. It will be used elsewhere, but it should not be crucified. On the Minister of the Interior Minniti, who spoke of fear for the democratic stability of the country in the face of the latest migration wave, Gabrielli observes: That fear was real and I lived it live. Faced with a phenomenon that is becoming structural, there can be reactions that are difficult to manage. For this reason too, I hope that the issues of security, increasingly linked to the problem of immigration, will not become electoral campaign topics to fuel divisions ”. On the risk of attacks Gabrielli adds: “It is true that the area of ​​the affected countries has further expanded and Italy has remained one of the few still immune: this could somehow make us an even more attractive target. From this point of view the risk could increase, also because we remain a country of great symbolic charge.

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Gabrielli, politics does not download everything on the police