Investing in culture e in the new technology  because "A country that is not structured to transfer knowledge to the new generations risks a setback in social and political living conditions".

This is the authoritative opinion expressed by the general Pasquale Preziosa - President of the Eurispes Security Observatory, former Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force, in the article published today in the Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno "Salvation depends only on school and knowledge"

Air Squad General, Pasquale Preziosa, Chief of Staff of the Italian Air Force until March 2016

“The national projects to be financed with European funds are in the pipeline and soon there will be the start of the phase of economic reconstruction of the country.

Projects, financial capital and human capital represent the main cornerstones to give the future to the society now strongly destabilized by the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Unlike the other two cornerstones, human capital has longer training times and is conditioned by the school system which, if not in step with the times, risks frustrating the training of new generations.

In the XNUMXst century, technology has become one of the most important factors in the race for strategic competition between world powers.

The progress of mankind is anchored in the continuous development of knowledge.

The discovery of a new technology only lays the foundations for the development of the next one.

On the international scene, for example, technological advances have allowed Huawei to be the first to develop 5G capabilities based on the research of Turkish-born professor Erdal Arikan, published in 2008 on “polar codes”.

China, Russia and now also the USA through research both on new nano structured materials resistant to very high temperatures and on new aircraft engines have made it possible to fly in the atmosphere at hypersonic speeds or higher than Mach 5: it was a very important success for industries that they then spread the new technologies on all new generation products to win the strategic competition in progress.

China launched a new satellite on 6 November 2020, the first satellite for testing the next technology linked to 6G with terahertz technology, the last frontier not yet explored, for the control of telecommunications based on Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Human intelligence has most likely remained unchanged since the time of ancient Greece and what we have learned over time is that the continuous development of knowledge turns out to be fundamental for the progress of humanity.

Progress is only the enriched fruit of the accumulation of knowledge carried forward from generation to generation.

The system for communicating knowledge to the new generations is represented by the School in its growing forms up to the Universities.

A school system that does not communicate the new knowledge to the younger generations, or that fails to keep up with the pace of advancement of technology, will prove to be inadequate for the qualified training of the new generations, indeed it will contribute to increasing the low-skilled workforce.

"Young people are the gold of the world”And for a society in continuous demographic decline like ours, young people are indispensable not only to avoid the emptying of the countries but above all to not lose the reunion with the progress underway.

In other words, a school that is not updated to the needs of development is not useful either to the country or to citizens who lose the possibility of being able to improve their social conditions.

"Civilization is a social order that promotes the creation of culture" (Will Durant), made up of four essential elements: economy, political organization, ethical and moral traditions and the pursuit of knowledge.

The cultural heritage left to us by the Enlightenment allowed us to create the conditions for a better life, unfortunately progress is not automatic, it will require continuous and in some ways unimaginable forms of adaptation.

A country that is not structured to transfer knowledge to the new generations risks a setback in social and political living conditions.

The success of the reforms that are certainly feasible on the school front will largely depend on the possibility of full use of the "Next Generation EU" funds, which are intended above all to ensure the best living conditions for the next generations and to repair the economic damage caused by the Pandemic. in progress. "

Young people are the gold of the world