"The Minister responds", the sixth appointment with the web video section is underway

Minister Valditara and journalist Maria Latella on the main issues related to the school world

In this episode the interventions of the Mim in support of the schools affected by the flood in Emilia-Romagna, the activities in support of students in the field of orientation, the strengthening of the teaching of STEM subjects

From tomorrow, Monday 29 May, the sixth episode of "The Minister Responds", a video column in which the journalist Maria Latella interviews the Minister Giuseppe Valditara on the main issues, will be available on the YouTube channel and on the social platforms of the Ministry of Education and Merit. related to the school world.

In this sixth appointment we talk about the interventions of the Mim in support of the schools affected by the flood in Emilia-Romagna, the activities in support of students in the field of guidance and the need to enhance the teaching of STEM subjects in schools.

The "Lorenzo Milani" Room of the Ministry of Education and Merit was the background to the sixth interview.  

Mim's YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@MinisteroMIUR

"The Minister responds", the sixth appointment with the web video section is underway