(by Mauro Nicastri, president of AIDR) In these days the Prime Minister, Mario Draghi, is working intensely on the launch of the new plan for the administration of vaccines, with the goal of 19 million injections per month. To date, 4,2 million doses have been administered in Italy and nearly 1,4 million Italians with two doses. The national average of available doses is 72 percent, with some regions going faster and others progressing slower.

To fill the gap on the national territory and support health personnel, the Government is envisioning the creation of task forces and the involvement of the 300 volunteers of the National Civil Protection. There are various forecasts and organizational hypotheses: from railway stations to fire brigade barracks, from the expansion of clinics and health facilities with mobile structures and tents to the use of assembly centers such as supermarkets. An enormous logistical and personnel commitment is expected to integrate the physical and human resources already committed throughout the national territory and to considerably increase and strengthen the planned administration hubs.

A coordination, in part already structured, is outlined, composed of Civil Protection, Regions and Municipalities, Defense and voluntary associations for a certainly ambitious vaccination plan that would complete the details of an effort that would undoubtedly be remarkable if a national IT platform were opened that it would allow for the booking of doses, the tracking and administration and, who knows, interoperability with the electronic health record. Poste Italiane did not stand by and in a very short time and free of charge, made available to the Regions (for now Sicily, Marche, Calabria, Abruzzo and Basilicata have joined) its IT platform for tracking and administering vaccines for the Covid-19 which will offer online bookings, from Postamat, through postmen, online or from the call center. The largest infrastructure in Italy has taken the field to solve the problems of citizens and for the recovery of our country.

The new vaccine plan of the Draghi government and the Poste IT platform