The fixed place

Increasing job opportunities, but youth unemployment does not decrease. The difficulty in finding a stable job makes everyday life more and more precarious for so many workers

 "What do you do great?" And the pupil answers the master in a well-known recent movie: "The fixed place!"

For many decades, in Italian families, the safety of a young man and his family was made up of indefinite employment with all the rights of workers.

By now, many years have passed since the young people, participating in contests and selections, could find work in a prestigious company - as were the banks, or public bodies - in order to secure a future.

Today, even quarantined graduates are still looking for stability.

These days, the government tells us that jobs have risen.

But looking at ISTAT data, it emerges that this increase is mostly related to forward contracts for workers over the age of fifty; only a small percentage refers to stable jobs for an indefinite period. For young people, however, the Government has devised a not easily understood "early retirement" in these days to justify non-work.

Farewell, then, at the fixed place? Yeah, but it's not just the fault of the changing times!

One should think of the "chronic" precarious ruler in the Public Administration for the constant unconsciousness of our political class, despite the many stabilization initiatives.

It is a well-established practice, in fact, especially politicians who become directors of public bodies and general directors (who, by the way, are always the same people who alternate in the same places as millionaires!) To allow access in precarious form to people more or less close to them with temporary employment contracts, which ultimately end up making a subsequent call for competition void.

And when they are banned, those competitions are first and foremost to stabilize the precarious who have been inside for too long; all with good peace of art. 97 of the Constitution.

In the private sector, banking institutions, for example - now without the guarantees of seriousness that distinguished them until a few decades ago - have undergone a real metamorphosis caused not so much by globalization and the economic crisis, but by the easy management that characterizes the work of many top managers.

The exasperation of the labor crisis is therefore not so debatable to the well-known economic problems arising from globalization, as well as to the malcontence prevailing above all in a ruling class (first-line politicians) who has no restraint in shamelessly soliciting their own nourishing any respect for the primary needs of the community.

The absence of moral values ​​between these indecisive subjects, exchanging the various armchairs of well-known public and private companies, can no longer be tolerated; you have to curb this system, otherwise there will be no hope for a better world.

By Antonio Belsito

Lawyer jurisprudence

The fixed place

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