What is the Infoapocalypse? The atomic in comparison is a trifle

After the atomic bomb it is the Artificial Intelligence that will mark the beginning of the total war. It is not a sentence thrown down by chance.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has already announced that "by 2030 China will be a superpower in Artificial Intelligence (AI)".

Even Vladimir Putin is of the same opinion "who will dominate the AI ​​will rule the XNUMXst century".

La Stampa writes that at the technology summit organized by Bloomberg in Singapore, former George W. Bush Treasury Minister HankPaulson said "we are lowering a new iron curtain between the US and China, we live the Second Cold War".

Henry Kissinger, 95, also confirmed that the West has no strategy to avoid confrontation with China in this new and dangerous dimension.

The Minister of Defense Mattis is no stranger to the alarm launched by Kissinger, so much so that as a worm, every day informs President Donald Trump on the subject.

Artificial intelligence constitutes a real "vulnus" between the US and China. Europe, on the other hand, is grappling with a thousand internal contradictions, where one still thinks of fruitless nationalisms.

The development of programs on Artificial Intelligence necessarily requires the possession of three dimensions:

  • a mountain of data;
  • algorithms able to order them and obtain consistent narratives;
  • powerful and sophisticated computers to perform operations, thanks to machine learning and reinforcement learning techniques;

America is ahead with algorithms and computers, but China, on the data. The greatest difficulty in America is that Facebook, Google, Amazon and Apple do not want to share their data with the government. The Chinese government, on the other hand, requires Alibaba, Baidu, iFlytek, Tencent, to work together on the Artificial Intelligence Plan, in the special National Group.

In doing so, China has total social control, by processing billions of data with algorithms and mega computers.

Then, while Google workers have asked the company to suspend participation in the military program Maven, which interprets images via AI, China has already implemented a similar program that is testing it in Zimbabwe and Venezuela. Some data that better understand the threat. 25% of computer science graduates in America are of Chinese origin and the Australian think tank Strategies Policy Institute is certain that the Chinese military has already infiltrated 3000 officers, disguised as scientists, into US and European universities to steal protocols and data.

Therefore, among analysts there is already talk of “Infoapocalypse”, an information war capable of paralyzing markets, public opinion and even everyday life with fake news.

The problem leads us to think of another question: how much is the confidentiality of our personal data in relation to the security of the country?

US and China have already sharpened their weapons, while Europe has recently launched the GPDR, the new, very stringent regulation for the correct preservation and processing of personal data by public institutions and private companies.

What is the Infoapocalypse? The atomic in comparison is a trifle