The state exam for psychologists in Rome begins in chaos: "Only words from the government"

For months, about 10 thousand psychology graduates have been asking for a reformulation of the state exam, modified following the health emergency. And now they warn: “The session has started and all the problems we had reported are coming up. Only promises from the government "

One more fact: the Conte government continues not to give concrete answers to Psychology students who have been protesting for months against the changes to the professional qualification exam introduced due to the covid emergency.Changes that, explain the test students, do nothing but make this fundamental step for entering the world of work chaotic, uneven and substantially unfair. The last attempt at mediation with Alessandro Goracci, head of the Cabinet of the Conte government, ended on Wednesday 15 July with no results: the Council of Ministers in fact decided not to insert any changes to the current examination procedure within the next Dpcm.

This is the most recent chapter of a journey that began four months ago and which has now come to gather around 10 psychologists across Italy united in a protest that no one seems to want to hear. After the demonstration in Piazza Montecitorio on 12 June, there were meetings with the Minister of University and Research, Gaetano Manfredi, and with representatives of the National Council of the Order of Psychologists. All they have obtained so far is a document with some non-binding guidelines presented by the Order of Psychologists and followed by a note from the Ministry inviting universities to abide by it. Still, explain the protest chiefs of the spontaneous movement born in the last few weeks, Patrick Fabbri and Davide Pirrone, “These guidelines are currently largely ignored. Not only that: the government deceived us with announcements and words and then abandoned us, but the examination session that began on Thursday (July 16, ed) is showing that our fears were real and that the reported criticalities are occurring. Before the coronavirus, our habilitation exam consisted of three written tests plus an oral interview. To be able to access it, a professionalizing training of 1000 hours spread over two semesters was needed and it was complex and demanding tests: one first on general psychology, a second dedicated to the planning of an intervention and a third focused on the analysis of a real clinical case , followed precisely by the oral interview on the analysis of the internship and on the knowledge and ability to apply the code of ethics. Now, on the other hand, everything is replaced by a telematic interview whose modalities and times are still unclear. Basically we are going to face an exam in the dark, without knowing what kind of test we are going through and without being able to prepare properly. "

IN ROME.  Roma for example, despite the initial reassurances from the La Sapienza University, the guidelines of the Order of Psychologists are not followed. In addition, the session was scheduled from 16 July to 8 October, creating disparities in the timing which, in fact, will prevent some from being able to participate in open competitions for jobs (and for which they have already paid the dues of registration). 

THE REQUESTS. "Our proposal - adds Fabbri - was to do what has been done for doctors and nurses following the pandemic, that is to equate the professional training to the state exam. Also because, after the Lorenzin decree of 2018, Psychology has effectively acquired the status of a health profession. We were told that this is not possible, and so we asked to be able to carry out the online interview in the manner of what was previously the oral test, with the possibility for the commissioners to add questions on the theory, but essentially taking for granted the knowledge object of the first three written tests: subjects and themes that, moreover, have already been extensively and repeatedly evaluated throughout the course of university studies. In fact, the idea of ​​being able to concentrate four such complex tests in a half-hour video call without causing chaos is unthinkable. At the moment, however, nobody seems to want to listen to us, and the results are there for all to see ”.

CHAOS THROUGHOUT ITALY. Bologna one of the most striking cases. A preliminary online meeting was scheduled for the morning of July 16, but many were unable to access it due to technical problems on the university's online platform. A malfunction that now risks creating problems even for the same online exam interview. “The state examination office - explained the examiners - denies this uncomfortable situation, while the help desk tells a totally different version. But there are many candidates who are unable to open the link and unfortunately the staff does not know how to help us because the state examination office continues to reiterate that the technical instructions are those already given, regardless of the problems that have emerged ". TO Bari, for example, although the exam session started last Thursday, most candidates do not yet know the date and time of their exam. And yet:at the Cattolica of Milano what was previously an articulated and complex assessment that required three written and one oral tests, is compressed into an interview that does not exceed 15 minutes. TO L'Aquila the letter starting the session was drawn by lot only in the morning of July 16, the day of the start, with the result that three candidates had to withdraw from the session because they were unable to free themselves on the day that was assigned to them at the last moment. Also in the Abruzzo capital, the chairman of the examination commission announced that those who fail will not be able to come back in the November session: "An absurdity - explain the protest leaders - given that this is possible in all other universities and also guaranteed by law ". TO Pavia a pre-exam was introduced with only one commissioner, the passing of which is necessary to be able to access the actual exam: a "broken" method that violates the indications of the Ministerial Decree of last April 29 in which reference was made to a single state exam in oral form. "Basic - the representatives say - each university has full discretion as to how exams are carried out and assessed, but in this way too radical differences emerge, the assessment is no longer the same for everyone and adequate preparation is impossible". 

The state exam for psychologists in Rome begins in chaos: "Only words from the government"