Inps. Single Universal Check

In the first five months of competence, more than 6 billion euros were disbursed to families 

The update of the Statistical Observatory on the Universal Single Check (AUU) is published today, with data relating to applications submitted in the period January-July 2022 and payments relating to the four-month period of competence March-July 2022 (https: // www / data-researches-and-reports / statistical-observers-and-other-statistics / paper-data-auu).

The Observatory provides an overview of the essential statistical information on the beneficiaries of the measure and on the relative economic values, in relation to the grant applications submitted to the Institute by the citizen through the website, by the Patronati or through the Contact Center. The data relating to the AUU provided to the beneficiaries of Citizenship Income will be included in the Observatory once the statistical integration of the sources has been completed.

In the first five months of the year, checks for over six billion euros were paid out to families. The payments concerned a total of 8,6 million children (excluding those of households receiving citizenship income), and the applicants who received at least one allowance were 5,3 million.

The average monthly amount per applicant was € 233 and was paid on average for 1,6 children for each applicant, while the amount for each child was, again on average, € 145.

Approximately 46% of the allowances paid per child refer to beneficiaries belonging to households with an ISEE of less than € 15, with the disbursement of the maximum allowance, while more than 20% of the children belong to families that have not presented an ISEE and then they are paid the minimum amount.

Please note that the amount of the allowance ranges from a maximum of € 175 for each minor child for ISEE up to € 15 thousand, to a minimum of € 50 in the absence of ISEE or with ISEE equal to or greater than € 40 thousand.

With reference to payments for the month of July, the average amount per child ranges from just under € 50 for those who do not present ISEE or exceeds € 40 thousand, to € 194 for classes of ISEE up to € 15 thousand. In the month of July, the concentration of the highest amounts occurs in the South (the maximum value of € 166 for each child is recorded in Calabria) while the least significant amounts are recorded in the Center and in the North (the minimum value is recorded in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano, where for each child there is an average monthly amount of € 132 per child).

Inps. Single Universal Check