Instruction. From 3 to 5 November the first week of the ReGeneration

Throughout Italy, initiatives organized by schools on respect for the environment, recycling, waste reduction, sustainable mobility and correct lifestyles On the 3rd the launch event in Rome with Minister Bianchi and Undersecretary Floridia

The first edition of the national week of ReGeneration, announced by the Ministry of Education as part of the implementation of School ReGeneration, the Plan for the ecological and cultural transition of schools, kicks off from 3 to 5 November.

Workshops, debates, initiatives on recycling, reuse, sustainability, respect for the environment, new forms of mobility will animate the week that will be opened on November 3, at 10.30, by the Minister of Education Patrizio Bianchi and Undersecretary Barbara Floridia, with an event which will take place in Rome, at Villa Piccolomini, with the involvement of some partners and pupils of the primary school of the IC "Baccano" who, together with their teachers, will participate in educational activities related to the themes of the Plan.

The morning will be streamed live on the Ministry's website and social channels. At the same time, hundreds of schools throughout the national territory will join the ReGeneration week with their initiatives, from food and wine workshops for the preparation of traditional dishes while respecting the environment, to cleaning up beaches and archaeological sites, to debates on sustainability, to the planting of trees and plants.

All the stories will be collected in a map of Italy populated by the schools that are the protagonists of the ReGeneration. The map will be presented on November 3 in Rome and is also published on the website of the Ministry of Education.

The event will be an opportunity to present some of the partners of the Green Community, the national network desired by the Ministry of Education to collaborate with the Administration and schools throughout the country in the implementation of the Plan. General CA Antonio Pietro Marzo, Commander of the Forestry, Environmental and Agri-food Units of the Carabinieri will share their initiatives to support schools; the Chief Inspector Nicola Carlone of the Coast Guard; Professor Andrea Lenzi, President of the Health City Institute; Giovanni Parapini, Rai Director for Social Affairs; Rosalba Giugni, President of Marevivo;

Vanessa Pallucchi, Vice President of Legambiente, Martina Alemanno, Head of Education and Awareness raising for the younger generations for Asvis and Andrea Ripa di Meana, Sole Director of Gse - Energy Services Manager. Among the speakers, also Professor Federico Maria Butera, member of the Technical Scientific Committee of School ReGeneration.

Instruction. From 3 to 5 November the first week of the ReGeneration