Italy, Government farther and farther: Fico will ask Mattarella more time because of the M5S-PD alliance

The consultations of the President of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, seem to have opened a window for the formation of the executive with a possible, although not yet decisive, rapprochement between pentastellati and the Democratic Party. A narrow path, given the steps announced, ranging from the convocation of the dem direction (apparently on Monday 30 April), necessary to ratify the 'government pact' with pentastellati, up to the consultation of 5Stelle members on the Rousseau platform. This is why Roberto Fico's moves are awaited once the talks in Montecitorio have been summarized.The most concrete possibility at the moment is that the third state office will go up to Colle on Thursday, presumably in the early afternoon, to ask Sergio for more time. Mattarella. And at this point, on May 58st it would be overtaken with 5 days of waiting for the vote. Of course, with a possible M5s-Pd executive in hand, the Quirinale would be ready to wait, after which the pauses for reflection would really end with the president no longer available to grant 'time'. The Colle would therefore take action autonomously, provided that unexplored terrain is obviously proposed. The Colle's institutional path is to follow the indications that the parties have clearly expressed in the study at the Vetrata. With the center-right oven-M5S and M2019S-Pd closed, Mattarella could evaluate the option of a government of the president or one of purpose that deals with the electoral modification and the budget law, and which leads to the vote not before XNUMX.

Italy, Government farther and farther: Fico will ask Mattarella more time because of the M5S-PD alliance

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