Italy supports strategic effort for exports

Farnesina supports the strategic design of exports that Italy wants to give. Minister of Foreign Affairs Angelino Alfano said, intervening at the sixth International Travel Director's meeting, in progress at the Ministry of Economic Development. An important point to point out, according to Alfano, "is that Italian exports have played an important role during the years of the economic crisis, with significant impact on the national system." Export has grown by an 13 per cent during the years of the crisis, the minister continued, "almost to show that he has found external oxygen in the face of the domestic demand crisis." For Alfano Minister, it is therefore important to "consolidate the incidence of exports to GDP, which makes us as self-sufficient as possible in the medium to long term.

Today, this incidence has reached the 30 per cent, but we must give it a long-term goal, recognizing that our system has worked and is going very well. " The Foreign Minister stressed that Italy, an important country on the global economic and military level, can be considered as "the superpower of culture, beauty, taste, design and lifestyle, an essential element for the promotion of the country ". Two are the key issues, according to Alfano, when it comes to internationalization: "We need to put companies in contact with the consular diplomatic network more effectively" and to make our companies supported by a system, "because they are often in competition in competitions abroad against companies that have the support of their governments. " The Minister also underlined the impact of Farnesian investment on Italian GDP, hoping that Italy's presence abroad will be strengthened through an institutional effort.

Italy supports strategic effort for exports