The madness of "grillism"

(by Massimiliano D'Elia) From Grillo's blog, a Twitter: “I thought worse.. ", then in a link a 1994 Soundgarden video -  Black hole sun -, song that imagines the end of the world as a black hole that swallows everything. He sang it Chris Comell, who took his own life two years ago, and who said: "I wrote this song after watching horror movies all day". 

Seeing as Beppe Grillo comments the unsuccessful result of the regional elections in Umbria to the sound of chirps and macabre songs, makes you smile. A common, apolitical observer is led to think that the Genoese comedian, over the years, has used the 5 Star Movement phenomenon to satisfy a whim, a personal challenge: to subvert the rules of politics by bringing "citizens" into - the “Tin of tuna” - the Parliament. Having succeeded in the enterprise, the national Beppe is now leading the Movement to political death. As if to say, I gave you the light and I turn you off when and how I want. The clues that support this imaginative theory of mine would find confirmation in the latest political twists, transformism style of the first Republic. The alliance with the Democratic Party to form a national relief government against the “Salvini” danger was incomprehensible. Even more incomprehensible to repeat the experiment of the government alliance even in Umbria where the grillini had brought down the junta led by the Pd, a unique contradiction. More than an experiment, it was an anticipated suicide, difficult to read as a far-sighted political laboratory. Beppe Grillo who recently wore a clown mask wants to make fun of everything and everyone, implying that the scenography is in the final stages. Grillo's latest ideas are beautiful when he speaks of "high", referring to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, or when he launches yet another provocation, taking away the vote of the elderly over 65. If no one had noticed, Beppe wanted prove that it is possible to subvert and play with a system  sick politician, dominated by national and foreign lobbies.

Among those who most of all will be affected by the madness of "grillismo" will be the pentastellati, now sitting comfortably in the halls of Parliament. Disoriented and aware that after 10 years of life of the Movement they are one step away from oblivion. There are two ways out: remain in the government until the annuity requirement matures and then die politically, or "send Grillo and Casaleggio to that country" and take the reins of the Movement to bring it back on the tracks most congenial to him: tough opposition with greater attention to the needs of Italians. The pentastellates, unfortunately, have shown that they are not yet ready to govern a country. Returning to the opposition could be the only way out to organize the structure on the territory, the real sword of Damocles of the Movement, and be less Grillocentrici.

The statements of some grillini give the thermometer of the situation among the ranks of parliamentarians.

Elio Lannutti"When principles and values ​​are betrayed, are justifications for multiple defeats still sought? Without correcting the errors, we are moving towards irrelevance, if not extinction"

Roberta Lombardi"How many alarm clocks do we have to take to understand that it is no longer time to waste time?". 

Stefano Buffagni"Better alone than badly accompanied. Let's put the message in the bedroom everyone". 

Giorgio Trizzino"Let me be clear, back is not taken. The path taken by the center-left forces is irreversible". 


The madness of "grillism"