France wants Libya. Italy is not watching, on the contrary ...

Faced with French activism in Libya, Italy does not stand by, quite the contrary. The Italian government is trying to reopen a partnership with the former Jamairyia, to go beyond the migration dossier. It is no coincidence that the Italian authorities have often been to Libya in the last two months. The Minister of the Interior Matteo Salvini, then that of Foreign Affairs Enzo Moavero Milanesi and finally the Minister of Defense Elisabetta Trenta. Twelve patrol boats promised to the Libyan authorities, but there was also talk of a possible reactivation of the Italo-Libyan friendship and cooperation treaty signed by Gaddafi and Berlusconi in 2008.

Even if the same cannot be fully reactivated for technical-legal issues, it would still constitute the opening of Libya for concrete economic collaboration but above all to consolidate bilateral relations. Especially in the west of the country, where France has not yet imposed its influence. It should be remembered that to the east the transalpines have already opted for the trust and collaboration with General Haftar.

Macron has tried them all. At the summit, surprisingly, in Paris he had brought together all the parties involved announcing the next Libyan elections in December 2018. Elections immediately denied by the United Nations envoy to Libya, Ghassan Salamè, "there are no conditions", he replied in a note.

Macron then decided to play the Putin card and on 25 July he met the Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in a meeting at the Elysée to discuss the situation in Syria, but also in Libya as both countries support General Haftar in the eastern area of ​​Libya. Macron, not satisfied, decided to send the Foreign Minister, Le Drian, to Tripoli to meet Serraj and some leaders of important local militias, to reaffirm French aid for the stabilization of the country.

Italy has not stood by and for some time has had relations with influential tribes in the western part of Libya. The trust that Italy has gained in the area could be crucial to figure out as the next interlocutor in international tables to mediate an agreement with the eastern factions, supported by France and Russia. Italy's position would also be appreciated by Moscow.


France wants Libya. Italy is not watching, on the contrary ...