Lazio, Anas: coronavirus emergency checks on the SS148 "Pontina"

Active filtering near Castel Romano towards Terracina

On the 148 Pontina state road, as part of the activities aimed at containing and combating the spread of the Covid19 virus, a control unit was activated to control cars in transit.

Vehicle traffic in the direction of Terracina, at the moment, is obligatorily conveyed to the Castel Romano junction, at 22,600 km, where the Carabinieri are proceeding to verify the effective legitimacy of the movements on the territory.

At the moment there are slowdowns in the direction of Terracina.

Anas, a company of the FS Italiane Group, points out that in compliance with government provisions for the Coronavirus emergency, it is important to limit travel (#iorestoacasa). For informed mobility, the evolution of the traffic situation in real time can also be consulted on all smartphones and tablets, thanks to the "GO" application by Anas, available for free in the "App store" and in the "Play store". The “Pronto Anas” customer service can be reached by calling the toll-free number 800.841.148

Lazio, Anas: coronavirus emergency checks on the SS148 "Pontina"

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