Milan: contrast to the burning of waste in northern Italy

Extensive activities of the NOE Carabinieri and the DDA of Milan

From the early hours of this morning, in Lombardy, Veneto, Emilia Romagna, Tuscany and Campania, the Carabinieri of the NOE of Milan, collaborated by the NOE and by the territorially competent CC Provincial Commands with an imposing device of about 200 soldiers employed, are executing a precautionary measure and preventive seizure decree issued by the GIP of the Court of Milan at the request of the local Public Prosecutor's Office - DDA against a complex organization held responsible for illicit waste trafficking, construction of illegal landfills and fictitious registration of assets , which illegally disposed of approximately 10.000 tons of waste coming - on various channels - from Campania and various plants in Northern Italy.

Milan: contrast to the burning of waste in northern Italy