Milan - illicit waste traffic 11 arrests of forest carabinieri

This morning the Carabinieri Forestry of the Groups of Milan, Lodi, Pavia, Turin, Naples, Reggio Calabria and Catanzaro, have carried out an order of pre-trial detention issued by the Judge for Preliminary Investigations of the Court of Milan against 11 subjects, all Italians, some operating in the waste sector, believed to belong to a criminal association dedicated to the illicit trafficking of waste and responsible for the filling of numerous abandoned warehouses in Northern Italy and the removal of waste in an abandoned quarry in Calabria.

The investigations, directed by the District Anti-Mafia Directorate of Milan, and the continuation of the "Fire Starter" Operation which in October 2018 had led to the arrest of 6 persons responsible for the traffic of waste and the burning of the Corteolona (PV) warehouse, have made it possible to highlight broader dynamics by identifying a criminal organization, headed by subjects of Calabrian origin, all with numerous criminal records, who, through a structure composed of authorized and accomplices plants, compliant transporters, fictitious companies registered in the name of nominees and false documentation, they managed a huge traffic of urban and industrial waste from Campania plants and ended up in abandoned warehouses in Northern Italy or buried in Calabria.

Milan - illicit waste traffic 11 arrests of forest carabinieri