Italy will be able to use a more efficient and cutting-edge phytosanitary service "

"Well the definitive go-ahead in the CdM to the legislative decrees relating to the reorganization of the national phytosanitary service, of the seeds, fruit and vegetables and grapevine sectors": declares Undersecretary Giuseppe L'Abbate after the Council of Ministers held last Friday.

"The approved package relaunches the role and efficiency of the Phytosanitary Service, both nationally and regionally with the aim - continues the Undersecretary for Agricultural Policies - to make the system's response capacity even more efficient and quicker to more frequent threats deriving from the introduction of harmful organisms on our territory, which unfortunately both climate change and the globalization of trade expose us to ”.

In the concerted work carried out by Mipaaf, L'Abbate continues, "both the requests for strengthening the workforce were accepted so as to make a more extensive work of prevention and defense of our agricultural production feasible, and the excerpt of references GMOs that had raised some concern. In reality, the cultivation ban in Italy was still guaranteed by specific regulations but it was decided, ultimately, to refine the texts on the subject of seeds so as not to generate unnecessary controversies that have little to do with the heart of this important reform. From today - concludes Undersecretary L'Abbate - our country will be able to make use of a more efficient and cutting-edge Phytosanitary Service, capable of supporting and protecting the national agricultural sector. An excellent result achieved by the Government despite the delicate moment of crisis ".

The approved legislative decrees deeply intervene on the modalities of intervention on phytosanitary emergencies through the development of specific emergency plans, the strengthening of controls on imports and internal production, the identification of a national laboratory network for diagnosis, modification of the structure of the plant passport, but, above all, through greater responsibility for professional operators with a view to total traceability.

MIPAAF, L'Abbate: “satisfaction for the green light in CDM

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