MIPAAFT, Ccentinaio: we are talking with Sardinian pastors on a set of initiatives. We'll talk about it at noon today

"Two days ago I was in Europe with the Commissioner for Agriculture to understand with him the measures that can be put in place. With my European interlocutors, the relations are excellent, in particular, with the Health Commissioner for the xylella question and with the Commissioner for Agriculture. I met them both and praised our work. When you have an interlocutor who listens to you, you can work well and in peace.

With regard to the agreement on milk, we have proposed together with the Sardinia Region and Banco di Sardegna a series of aid to the sheep milk sector, including the possibility of withdrawing the quantity of cheese. At this moment, however, this is not enough because on the one hand the shepherds ask 80 cents as an advance to the liter and the transformers that offer 72. There is a difference of eight cents between supply and demand and it is the reason for the protest you are seeing.

On the agricultural question between pastors and processors there is the reasoning of the price but there is a bigger problem behind that is the revival of the sector of reform of the supply chain. We are discussing with Sardinian pastors a set of initiatives that will be taken into consideration. Today at noon we will talk about it. "So the Minister of agricultural, food and forestry policies and tourism Sen. Gian Marco Centinaio host this morning of Agorà on Rai 3.

MIPAAFT, Ccentinaio: we are talking with Sardinian pastors on a set of initiatives. We'll talk about it at noon today

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