Special episode of the Aidr format, hosted by Giuseppe Cerasoli - AICS Anti-Corruption Director

Digitization and fight against corruption in the public administration. A Digitale Italia special episode dedicated to measures aimed at ensuring greater transparency of institutions, including reference standards and the use of new technologies. The usual appointment of the format promoted by Aidr, changes its appearance. The in-depth web study hosts the authors of the ebook “Transparency and digitization” written by a group of members of the association and available for free on the online platform (https://www.aidr.it/ebook/). A multi-voiced debate to analyze how digitization is changing the relationship between citizens and institutions, with the contribution of Mauro Nicastri - Aidr president, Laura Strano - Aidr transparency observatory manager, Arturo Siniscalchi - Aidr Vice President, Davide D'Amico - Aidr Board Member, Rosangela Cesareo - Aidr Institutional Relations Manager, Massimo La Camera - Tecnoter CEO and Aidr partner. Giuseppe Cerasoli - Director of Anti-Corruption AICS concludes the online debate: “digitization does not only allow greater transparency of the public administration, but it becomes an important tool for civic participation”.

Watch the video lesson click here https://www.aidr.it/la-digitalizzazione-la-spinta-propulsiva-per-una-pa-trasparente-video/

Podcast click here https://www.aidr.it/la-digitalizzazione-la-spinta-propulsiva-per-una-pa-trasparente-podcast/

Anti-corruption measures and transparency of the PA, in-depth analysis at Digitale Italia

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